Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Far have we come....really?

Wow, it's been such a while,

I guess my title says it all, but there's no harm in reiterating it in the body of the post. So, after 3 semesters of TOK: from class presentations, to running around like crazed villagers at Abadi to our final presentations, from the 800 to 1500 word essays and duplichecker by our side to make sure we didn't falter, how much have we really learnt? Has our introduction to the world of TOK really changed anything about the way we think or appreciate knowledge? do you actually stop and think about things in terms of how they can be applied to the various areas of knowledge or if it is subject to one of the ways of knowing? I think it would be very helpful to take some time to reflect (boy, don't i sound like Mr. Kitching?! :D ) on what we've learnt.....or haven't learnt for that matter and see the effect it has had on our learning experience as a whole.....that is, if you actually even see this post...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

intelligence squared

Hi everyone,

It's all a bit quiet here these days, what with all the other stuff going on. But this blog is still up and running.

I hope you have enjoyed the presentations you have seen so far. Remember that they are an integral part of the course and so you should see them as learning opportunities.

In the mean time, I would like to recommend some of the debates shown on the BBC at:

This morning I've been watching the most recent one on the Catholic church's role in the world - it's interesting to see how the arguments are constructed. Check out the briefing link on the web site.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Women used to shrink from creating art. Now they're taking over. And I think I know why

I found this interesting article while I was researching for my TOK essay.

Friday, October 2, 2009

TOK and Philosophy

I have heard from many people that TOK is not in anyway similar to Philosophy. Consequently, I will like know exactly the differences between TOK and Philosophy.

Why not Ethics ?

We have been repeatedly advised to avoid questions on ethics as much as possible in our presentations. I will simply like to know from anyone who has answers (particularly TOK teachers) what exactly we have not been equipped with in order to efffectively tackle these questions.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TOK Essay: Question 2

Examine the ways empirical evidence should be used to make progress in different areas of knowledge.

In this context, is it right to consider progress as "getting closer to the truth"?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

knowledge issues and assessment tasks

Hi Everyone,

Nice to see the blog picking up a little after the vacation.

I would like to say that the lesson we had today (and the follow-up tomorrow) are crucially important for you to be successful in your essay and presentation.

We will be going through a number of activities to help you with these tasks, but this one is arguably the most important. Please make sure that you have taken down all the information presented in lessons this week for your own good.

The entire success of your presentation rests on your being able to formulate a REAL LIFE SITUATION and a KNOWLEDGE ISSUE that are properly connected.

The entire success of your essay depends on your being able to formulate KNOWLEDGE ISSUES from the prescribed titles and illustrate them using EXAMPLES (which are the essay's equivalent of real life situations).